Employment for Adaptation and Training Purposes

Once you have successfully passed the required dental tests and the course in Danish Health Legislation, as well as received a letter from us, you are eligible to begin employment for adaptation and training purposes (evalueringsansættelse).

Please pay attention to the 5-year deadline

There is a deadline which applies to you in order to complete all the requirements in the authorization Process.

The deadline means, that you must have completed your first employment for adaptation and training purposes and have started your final employment for adaptation and training purposes no later than 5 years after we have completed our assessment of your education. If you have not been able to start your final employment for adaptation and training purposes before the deadline, but you have obtained a letter of commitment to start your final employment soon, this will generally also be accepted.

If we have assessed your education before 1 September, 2024

The five-year deadline begins at the earliest from the rules came into effect on 1 September 2024. This means that if we have assessed your education as equivalent to the corresponding Danish education before 1 September 2024, you must have completed the first employment for adaptation and training purposes, and either have started or obtained a letter of commitment for your final employment for adaptation and training purposes by 31 August 2029. 

This period of employment aims to assess your clinical and communication skills. Your salary and work conditions will adhere to general employment terms.

Employment for Adaptation and Training Purposes

To pursue employment for adaptation and training purposes (evalueringsansættelse), you must apply for a position at a dentistry clinic. The employment duration should be a minimum of 12 months - or longer if we have assessed that you have not had enough clinical teaching hours and you must compensate for the missing hours during the employment -, during which you must fulfill the requirements outlined in §§ 1-2 of Bekendtgørelse (order no.) 427 af 9. maj 2011 om tilladelse til selvstændigt virke.

Throughout your employment, the clinic will evaluate the adequacy of your clinical and communicative skills. As part of this evaluation, the clinic is obligated to send reports to us.

Finding Job Opportunities

It is your responsibility to search for and apply to any available positions on your own.

You can search for vacancies in the healthcare system in Denmark at www.jobnet.dk. You can find several other job search portals on the web. You can also visit the individual employers' websites to see the jobs posted there (e.g. regions, municipalities and private healthcare providers. It is your own responsibility to find an employer who will employ you in an employment for adaptation and training purposes that meets the applicable requirements.

Not everyone succeeds in obtaining employment for adaptation and training purposes. It depends, among other things, of the capacity and request for staff.

Temporary Authorization (Evalueringsautorisation)

Once you have been offered a position, you must apply for and obtain a temporary authorization (evalueringsautorisation) from us. This authorization is specific to your employment for adaptation and training purposes (evalueringsansættelse).

Ansøgning om evalueringsautorisation.pdf

Positive Assessments

Upon successfully completing your employment for adaptation and training purposes and receiving positive assessments (evalueringsskemaer) from the clinic, among other sources, we will grant you Danish authorization, and permission to work independently, allowing you to work independently as a dentist.

Negative Assessments

If we receive a negative assessment from your employer, you have the opportunity to apply for a new employment of adaptation and training purposes. However, please bear in mind that you within five years must have completed the first employment of adaptation and training purposes and either have started or received a concrete commitment to start the last required employment.