Non-EU countries

Follow this procedure if:

  • You are a citizen of a non-EU/EEA country and have completed optrcian or optometrist training in a non-EU/EEA country.
  • You are a citizen of a non-EU/EEA country and have completed optrcian or optometrist training in an EU/EEA country (other than Denmark).
  • You are a citizen of an EU/EEA country and have completed optrcian or optometrist training in a non-EU/EEA country. You can apply for registration under the special EU/EEA provisions if you have worked for at least three years in another EU/EEA country.

A new political agreement, aimed at ensuring a better and more flexible authorization process, is expected to result in changes to authorization fees and in changes to the authorization process for foreign healthcare professionals from outside the EU/EEA.

The rules have not yet changed. This means that the current rules still apply. It is the current rules that appear on our website.

Read about the changes

Stay updated

It is important to stay updated on any changes to the registration procedure and be aware of the special deadlines you must meet.

Authorization Process

To obtain Danish authorization as a optrcian or optometrist, you need to follow the steps below.

1. Application and Approval of Qualifications

To apply for Danish authorization, fill out an application and submit it electronically to the Danish Patient Safety Authority. Print and sign the application form, and send it by regular mail along with the documentation of your qualifications. The required documentation must be submitted in two copies, either as certified true copies or original documents, as well as regular copies. For more information, refer to the Application and Approval of Qualifications.

If your education is approved (deemed suitable for testing or equivalent to Danish education), you will be given three years to fulfill the conditions for permanent authorization in Denmark.

Application and Approval of Qualifications

2. Language Test

You need to pass the language test "Prøve i dansk 3" (Danish 3 Exam). The language test is held twice a year in May/June and November/December, and you can take the exam at various language centers in Denmark. You can take the language test before submitting your application and documentation of formal qualifications. However, you must have passed the exam within the past 12 months before applying for registration, unless you can prove continuous residency in Denmark since passing the language test. For more information, see the Language Test.

Language Test

3. Employment for Adaptation and Training Purposes

Once you have passed the language test with the required scores, you can seek employment for adaptation and training purposes (evalueringsansættelse). This employment is intended to assess your clinical and communication skills. For more information, refer to the Employment for Adaptation and Training Purposes page.

Employment for Adaptation and Training Purposes