Employment for adaptation and training is a 6-month period designed to assess your clinical and communication skills - or longer if we have assessed that you have not had enough clinical teaching hours and you must compensate for the missing hours during the employment.
You are responsible for finding and applying for any available positions on your own. This employment must be full-time.
It is essential to ensure that the position you apply for is eligible for employment for adaptation and training purposes. The Danish Patient Safety Authority will review the position and provide an authorization specifically for your employment.
Finding Job Opportunities
It is your responsibility to search for and apply to any available positions on your own.
You can search for vacancies in the healthcare system in Denmark at www.jobnet.dk. You can find several other job search portals on the web. You can also visit the individual employers' websites to see the jobs posted there (e.g. regions, municipalities and private healthcare providers. It is your own responsibility to find an employer who will employ you in an employment for adaptation and training purposes that meets the applicable requirements.
Temporary Authorization (evalueringsautorisation)
Once you have been offered a position, you must apply for a temporary authorization from the Danish Patient Safety Authority by completing the "Ansøgning om evalueringsautorisation" form. This authorization is specific to your employment for adaptation and training purposes (evalueringsansættelse).
When applying for a temporary authorization, you must submit an updated CV and ensure that the competent health authoritiy in the most recent country of work as a chiropodist or country of residence issues a new certificate of good standing.
The certificate must confirm that you are legally entitled to practice within your profession, and that you have not been found guilty of any misconduct or lack of fitness to practice, and no cautions or conditions have been applied to your registration.
You may also choose to send the form “Validation of Registration” to the competent health authority and ask them to fill it out: You find the form here
The certificate or the form must be in a sealed envelope and be no more than 3 months old when all necessary documentation has been received from you. The name of your institution, address and logo/stamp must clearly appear on the envelope. You or someone else can either send the certificate by post to us or personally deliver the envelope to our address. Please do not break the seal.
If the certificate is not issued in English, we will – following an assessment – send it to you so that you can ask a translator to translate the document. Please ensure that the certificate holds your name in Latin letters and/or your case number in order for us to find your application in our handling system.
If you are not yet registered as a chiropodist and thus unable to submit a certificate of good standing from the competent health authority you must instead submit a certificate of non-registration. You find the form here
Please use our form to apply for a temporary authorization, which must be completed and stamped by the recruiting department/clinic and sent to the Danish Patient Safety Authority by email.
Ansøgning om evalueringsautorisation.pdf
We require a minimum of 14 days to process your application and issue a temporary authorization.
Positive Assessments
Upon successfully completing your employment for adaptation and training purposes and receiving a positive assessment (evalueringsskema), we will grant your Danish authorization.
Negative Assessments
In the event that negative assessments are received from your employer during the employment period, you have the opportunity to apply for a new employment for adaptation and training purposes. However, please note that you must be aware that you must have completed the evaluation appointment with a positive evaluation within 3 years.